COVID 19 Help Desk

Online Campaign

COVID 19 Help Desk

March 24, 2020
National Council

March 24, 2020


Event Details:

Help Desk was created when there were lots of ambiguity among medical personnel and as well as in public. VFAHT decided to create a WhatsApp group of experts from the medical sectors to clear this uncertainty.  COVID-19 Help Desk Managers of VFAHT are providing 24/7 service: authentic guidelines and answering queries of the general public as well as Health Care Personnel.

Help desk managers are

  • Navaira Khalid (VFAHT FMH College of Medicine and Dentistry)
  • Ali Haider Sukhera (President, Allama Iqbal Medical College)
  • Farzeen Fatma Syed (President, Aga Khan University)
  • Meha Mujeeb (President, Allama Iqbal Medical College)
  • Sakina Batool (General Secretary, Fatima Jinnah Medical University)
  • Arfa Ahmed (Vice President, Allama Iqbal Medical College)
  • Umair Haider (Chief Executive Officer VFAHT)
  • Ayesha Rehan (President, National Council 2020)
  • Aiman Sheikh (Former President National Council)
  • Ramsha Zafar (Vice President, VFAHT Sindh)
  • Nismat Javed (National Director, Research and Publication)
  • Asma Burney (President, Dow University of Medical and Health Sciences)

Event Gallery:


Webinar on COVID 19 Guidelines for Healthcare workers

Online Campaign

COVID 19 Guidelines for Healthcare Workers

March 18, 2020
National Council

March 18, 2020


Event Details:

This was a closed-ended session with 66 Medical Students from the 3rd, 4th, and Final Year. The latest updates about COVID 19 were discussed by Dr. Umair Haider.

He shed lights on:

  • Concept of Incubation Period
  • Definition of Suspected Cases
  • Who needs to be tested?
  • Which Samples to be taken?
  • Type of test.
  • Early Recognition of the case.
  • Contact and Droplet Precautions
  • Personal Protective Equipment’s (PPEs)
  • Quarantine and Isolation for COVID 19 
  • Clinical Management of Suspected or Confirmed COVID 19 Case
  • Public Health Measures

There was a 1-hour Q/A session at the end.


Dr. Umair Haider

Chief Operating Officer, Infection Prevention and Control Foundation


Dr. Ayesha Rehan

President, VFAHT National Council 2020

Event Video:



Online Campaign


March 16, 2020
Allama Iqbal Medical College

March 16, 2020


Event Details:

Due to a lack of awareness regarding corona, a hoax was created, and the purpose of this project was to give the public general information regarding corona. To stop the spread of wrong information was also an objective.
Day1. Release of infographics in English
Day2. Release of infographics in Urdu

We were successful in generating a sense in people regarding corona, its symptoms, and precautions and to stop spreading misinformation.

Event Gallery:


Social Media Coronavirus Awareness Campaign

Online Campaign

Social Media Coronavirus Awareness Campaign

March 13, 2020 – March 17, 2020
Dow University of Health Sciences

March 13, 2020 - March 17, 2020

Online Campaign

Event Details:

The novel coronavirus, first detected in Wuhan, China in December 2019 quickly spread throughout the world. The first case was detected in Pakistan on February 26, 2020, following which schools and workplaces were shut down and cities went into lockdowns.

Considering this, VFAHT-DUHS’ Zoonotic and Media Division collaborated to conduct a social media awareness campaign regarding coronavirus. The activity covered the following topics:

  • What is the coronavirus? How does it spread?
  • Symptoms of COVID-19
  • Precautionary Measures to be taken
  • How to wash your hands properly
  • Advisory on wearing a mask (according to WHO)

The activity was a Social Media campaign, as it is the primary medium of awareness during the lockdown. It was initiated on March 9, 2020, on the Facebook and Instagram pages of the VFAHT-DUHS Local council. One poster was uploaded each day covering one of the above-stated topics, in the following sequence:

9th March: What is Coronavirus? How does it spread?

10th March: Symptoms of COVID-19

11th March: Safety Precautions

12th March: How to Wash Hands

14th March: Advisory on wearing a mask

The activity was concluded on 14th March 2020. All information in the posters had been collected by the members of the Zoonotic division and was from authentic sources (WHO, CDC). The posts were shared by Local council members, and the Media division kept a record of the reach and response of each post.

Early March was a time of uncertainty and confusion for many. Information about the symptoms and precautionary methods of COVID-19 was not known to the common person.

As COVID-19 was declared a pandemic on March 11, 2020, by WHO (during the progression of our online activity), VFAHT’s platform served as a source of knowledge and guidance.

Event Gallery:


Webinar on Second Wave of COVID-19: Current Statistics and Vaccination Roll-out


Second Wave of COVID-19: Current Statistics and Vaccination Roll-out

December 20, 2020

The University of Lahore

December 20, 2020


Event Details:

The webinar was organized by the VFAHT- University of Lahore Local Council to highlight the effects of the second wave of COVID-19 in Pakistan.

The topics include:

  • Current Statistics of COVID19
  • Updates in the management of COVID19
  • Updates of COVID19 Vaccines.

The moderators started the webinar with the introduction of all speakers and their topics. It was an interactive session. The first topic ‘Current Statistics of COVID19’ was covered by Prof. Dr. Ahmad Uzair Qureshi. He also mentioned the intensity of the second wave. He called for precautionary measures and urged the audience to follow SOPs. 

Prof. Dr. Somia Iqtadar spoke about the current administration of COVID-19 and stressed on wearing masks and maintaining distance. She further clarified that symptoms like cough and flu should not be ignored, it may be influenza but precaution is required. 

Prof. Dr. Mulazim Hussain Bukhari shared his expertise on the process of vaccine development. He tried to dispel the myths surrounding vaccination. Questions from the audience were answered at the end of the session. 

Speakers Details:

Prof. Dr. Ahmad Uzair Qureshi 

Designation: Associate Professor of Surgery (SIMS) 

Prof. Dr. Somia Iqtadar

Designation: Associate Professor of Medicine, KEMU, Member TWG and CEAG, Government of Punjab. 

Prof. Dr.  Mulazim Hussain Bukhari

Designation: HOD Pathology Director Postgraduate Medical Education, Azra Naheed Medical College Superior University Lahore 

Event Videos:


COVID 19 Awareness Campaign

Online Campaign

COVID 19 Awareness Campaign

March 23, 2020 – April 03, 2020
National Council

March 23, 2020 - April 03, 2020

Online Campaign

Event Details:

VFAHT Volunteers did a Social Media Campaign for awareness about COVID 29 in an easy way. This campaign included Posters, Videos, and Animations in both languages (English and Urdu).  This campaign reached almost 30,000 people on Facebook. Each poster has a reach of 3.4k people.

Awareness Topics Covered:Local Councils:
  • Seasonal Flu Vs COVID19 Poster
  • Social Distancing Video
  • Don’t Rush to Hospitals If You Have Mild Symptoms Poster
  • If Symptoms Appears: Procedure to Be Followed Poster
  • Guidance on Self Quarantine Poster
  • Who Should Self Quarantine? Poster
  • Defining Terms Related to Covid19 Poster
  • Covid19 Myths Vs Facts Poster Series
  • How to Properly Wear an N95 Mask (Respirator) Poster
  • Types and Uses of PPE Equipment Poster
  • Testing for Covid-19 | Steps Poster
  • How and When to Wear Mask Video
  • Who Should Self Quarantine Video
  1. Continental Medical College
  2. Allama Iqbal Medical College
  3. Fatima Jinnah Medical University
  4. Shifa Tameer E Millat University
  5. Quaid E Azam University
  6. Rawalpindi Medical University
  7. Dow University of Health Sciences
  8. Aga Khan University

Event Gallery:


COVIDEO- A Video Competition Dedicated To COVID 19

Online Campaign

COVIDEO- A Video Competition Dedicated To COVID 19

April 15, 2020 – May 15, 2020
National Council

April 15, 2020 - May 15, 2020


Event Details:

A Video Competition was organized by the National Council of VFAHT in relation to COVID-19.

21 Medical Institutes and 12 Non-Medical Institutes participated in this competition. Entries were received in 4 categories:

  • Live-action
  • Animation 
  • GIFs
  • Poetry video/music video on COVID-19

150+ Entries were received in which 109 Entries were published according to requirements. 41 Animated, 12 GIFs, 32 Poetry and Music, and 24 Live action videos were published.

The competition was open to all institutions. Entries were judged separately for medical and non-medical institutes in each category. 2 positions holders were announced in each category.

Event Gallery:


Awareness About Plasma Donation

Online Campaign

Awareness About Plasma Donation

June 21, 2020
Allama Iqbal Medical College,
Fatima Jinnah Medical University

June 21, 2020


Event Details:

Plasma donation inforgraphics- A collaboration between the Local Councils of VFAHT FJMU and AIMC. The infoposters were being shared on the respective Faceook pages of both LCs. It was aimed at creating awareness about the convalescent plasma donation of healthy and recovered COVID 19 patients. The infoposters answered several FAQs and addressed several myths regarding plasma donation. The overall online campaign was a successful one. A total of 5 posters were shared with a public message.

Event Gallery:


Corona Awareness Week | Infographic Campaign

Online Campaign

Corona Awareness Week | Infographic Campaign

June 14, 2020 – June 21, 2020
Aga Khan University

August 12, 2020


Event Details:

VFAHT-AKU council organized COVID-19 awareness week. It recapped various aspects of COVID-19 with the latest updates daily. This included the trends in cases worldwide and in Pakistan, misconceptions, overview of the Virus, signs and symptoms, disease progression, information about testing and helpline facilities in Pakistan, plasma therapy, treatments, and lastly mental health during COVID-19.

Event Gallery:


Heroes of The War Against Covid-19 Recognition Series July

Online Campaign

Heroes of The War Against Covid-19 Recognition Series

July 31, 2020
National Council

July 31, 2020


Event Details:

VFAHT has started the Heroes of the War Against COVID-19 Recognition Series every month, aiming to recognize the contributions of those who’ve played a pivotal role in preventing the disease and mitigating the effects of this pandemic.

The award for July was awarded to

– Dr. Imama Sattar

for her exemplary work in organizing and running the PPE Donation Drive for the Healthcare Community amidst the COVID-19 pandemic.

She is a Post Graduate Resident of Psychiatry at Jinnah Hospital Lahore. Her other notable work includes:

  • Running a support group called “The Project” since 2015.
  • Delivered various lectures and conducted workshops at institutions like BSS, AIMC, BNU, and CMH.
  • Authored 2 research papers that have been published in the “Indo-American journal of pharmaceutical sciences”.
  • Running her clinical practice

Event Videos:
