Public Awareness

Tuberculosis Awareness Campaign and Walk

March 25, 2024
Indus Medical College
March 25, 2024
Tando Saindad, Sindh


On March 25, 2024 VFAHT-IMC organized a Tuberculosis awareness campaign in the village of Tando Saindad, Sindh. A walk was done along with an awareness session where they interacted with various individuals including rickshaw drivers, shopkeepers, and local residents. They discussed the symptoms of TB, precautionary measures, and distributed brochures.

Following that, the volunteers visited the PPHI dispensary where they interacted with Dr. Suraiya Kaisar who praised their efforts and provided suggestions on how to further raise awareness among the community. The campaign was concluded with a walk, accompanied by a banner during which the villagers joined in as well.

VFAHT-IMC was able to educate an audience of 50-60 villagers through this campaign.

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