Public Awareness

Malaria & Immunization Campaign

April 30, 2024
Indus Medical College
April 30, 2024
DHQ, Tando Muhammad Khan


On April 30, 2024, VFAHT-IMC visited DHQ Tando Muhammad Khan to raise awareness about malaria and immunization. They first met with the Medical Superintendent (MS) to introduce IPAC Foundation & VFAHT and explain the purpose of their visit i.e. to educate the public about the dangers of malaria and the importance of vaccinations after which they engaged with an audience of 100-150 individuals. The malaria team proceeded to the malaria ward, where they engaged with patients and their families in Sindhi, distributing Sindhi language brochures and mosquito coils. Meanwhile, the rest of the team interacted with people in different areas, asking them questions from an immunization proforma created by the volunteers. This proforma consisted of 10 basic questions that every citizen should know. They assessed people’s knowledge based on the proforma, filling out around 100 forms.

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