Public Awareness

Malaria awareness among school going children

April 28, 2022
American Lyceum, Westwood colony, Lahore.
April 28, 2022
American Lyceum, Westwood colony, Lahore.


On April 28, 2022, the VFAHT-AMDC team went to the American Lyceum school in VFAHT Westwood colony, Lahore. In classrooms, interactive session with students on the topic of the cause, prevention, and treatment of malaria was done. An Animated video on malaria control was shown to students. Brochures and mosquito repellent were distributed among students. Flyers and handmade posters were displayed on the class soft board. Students were very receptive and cooperative and answered all questions asked to them. The school management was very cooperative and we were able to achieve our objectives of malaria awareness among students.

The objectives were to increase community awareness about the importance of malaria timely diagnosis and treatment, education of protocols to follow after disease occurrence, and help in eliminating risk factors.

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