Public Awareness and Outreach

Dengue Awareness Campaign

November 06, 2021
November 06, 2021
Dr Ruth K. M. Pfau Civil Hospital, Karachi


Owing to a rise in the number of cases of dengue, VFAHT-DUHS conducted a Dengue Awareness Campaign at Dr. Ruth K. M. Pfau Civil Hospital, Karachi on the 6th of November 2021. VCAN division organized the event in collaboration with the Dengue and Malaria division of VFAHT-DUHS. The program started at 9.30 am with briefings being given to the volunteers and then at 10.00 am, the volunteers were escorted to Civil Hospital for the campaign to start. The volunteers were divided into groups and different areas of Civil were targeted. The number of volunteers attended was 34. The enthusiastic team and the volunteers made this campaign a success.
