Online Campaign

Social Media campaign about diarrhea and dysentery especially in children

August 4, 2020 – August 23, 2020
Dow University of Health Sciences

August 4, 2020 - August 23, 2020


Event Details:

Considering the current pandemic, many diseases prevailing amongst the general population have been ignored and their treatments are delayed due to the healthcare burden. Keeping this in mind, DIARRHEA AND DYSENTERY was chosen as the
topic. The pediatric age group was specifically chosen due to the complications and high mortality rate amongst infants.

Amongst the general population, mothers were the target of this campaign. The campaign was divided into 3 weeks and each week had a separate theme. 1st week comprised of an introduction to diarrhea and dysentery. This included signs and symptoms of diarrhea. To make it more interactive, questions were added to test the knowledge of the people. The 1st week concluded with a video summarizing all the identification points of diarrhea, as well as specific signs of dehydration amongst neonate’s 2nd week, focused on management, treatment, and prevention of diarrhea. This was divided into daily posters highlighting a few points each day for the management and treatment. This week was concluded with a video demonstrating methods of making oral rehydration solution at home, to make the management of diarrhea easier at home.

3rd week focused more on vaccination for children to prevent diarrhea. Awareness about vaccination was raised by countering the myths associated with it. This week was ended with a video answering FAQs related to diarrhea by the pediatrician Akhtar Ali Akhan. The campaign was met with a good response from the audience.
Many posts had a reasonable number of likes and comments. To make the posts more interactive, each comment would tag more people to improve the reach. Additionally, the awareness posts were shared on Facebook groups that comprised of mothers. These included ELAAJ THE TREATMENT, GIRLS KINGDOM, and SOUL SISTERS PAKISTAN.

Event Gallery:
