Public Awareness

Immunization Awareness Walk in NICH

April 24, 2024
Jinnah Sindh Medical University
April 24, 2024
National Institute of Child Health, Karachi


On April 24, 2024, the volunteers from VFAHT-JSMU took charge of an impactful immunization awareness campaign at the esteemed National Institute of Child Health in Karachi, where they addressed an audience of 250-280 individuals. Many among the attendees were previously unaware of the significance of immunization, but thanks to the efforts of the volunteers, they left the campaign armed with essential knowledge. The volunteers distributed pamphlets and engaged in discussions to highlight the benefits of immunization, dispelling myths and fostering trust despite initial skepticism. The campaign also discussed Expanded Programe on Immunization (EPI) schedules, eliciting interest and participation, ultimately leaving a lasting impact on community health awareness.

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