Public Awareness

Hepatitis A and E Awareness Walk

April 16, 2024
Jinnah Sindh Medical University
April 16, 2024
Empress Market Saddar Bazaar, Karachi


On April 16, 2024, VFAHT-JSMU conducted a hepatitis A and E awareness walk at Empress Market Saddar Bazaar, Karachi. The campaign targeted shop owners and stall vendors around the market, who showed great interest in learning about these pervasive diseases. Many shop owners and customers eagerly approached the volunteers to gather information. The campaign covered the signs and symptoms, treatment, management, and prevention of hepatitis A and E, with a strong emphasis on the importance of vaccination for hepatitis A. The dedicated and skilled volunteers created informative pamphlets, charts, and posters, which were distributed to benefit the community.

Event Gallery

