Public Awareness

Dental Checkups and Hepatitis Screening Camp

June 01, 2024
Fatima Memorial Hospital
June 01, 2024
Communal Hub, Old Lahore


On June 01, 2024, VFAHT-FMH held a free dental and hepatitis screening camp at Communal Hub, Old Lahore, providing 250 dental checkups for the school’s community staff and children. After thorough examinations, participants were referred to nearby hospitals for further treatment as needed. Additionally, 29 individuals were screened for hepatitis. The camp also included an oral hygiene session, where participants learned proper brushing techniques. The event, attended by the school’s owner, was covered by the media team. Colgate mini packages and goody bags were given to the children to encourage better oral care. The camp effectively addressed key health concerns and educated the school community. 

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