Celebrating World Immunization Week, VFAHT JSMU arranged an awareness walk to NICH, JPMC Karachi on May 2, 2023.
This campaign enabled us to clear out the misconceptions people had regarding immunization. Our volunteers divided themselves in groups and explained people about the importance of immunization. We were able to aware a total head count of 260 people. Our wonderful volunteers participated enthusiastically explaining what vaccination is and what's it's importance along with the names of some important vaccines.
Moreover we also emphasized upon the importance of completion of their children EPI schedules and the adults were shocked to hear that they also require boosters in order to have a healthy life ahead. This event was a huge success and was much needed in order to have a safe Pakistan.
اپنے خاندان کو بچائیں، وقت پر ٹیکے لگوائیں