Online Campaign

Combatting Hepatitis with The World Health Organization | Policy Reform

July 22, 2020

National Council

July 22, 2020


Event Details:

The World Health Organization (WHO) laid out 10 points for policymakers in 2019. These points identify specific areas where there is a lack of awareness, resources, funding, and effective policy. Our goal was to make use of these in our campaign to combat the spread of hepatitis in our country.

5 teams from the Local Councils at

1. Rawalpindi Medical University
2. Shifa Tameer E Millat Medical University
3. Fatima Jinnah Medical University
4. Aga Khan University
5. FMH College Of Medicine And Dentistry

volunteered to participate in this. Each team consisted of 5-8 participants.
Two out of the 10 points were assigned to each of the participating teams to research and then make a short presentation detailing the information/statistics laid out by the WHO and outline recommendations and strategies to counter these problems in Pakistan. These teams were given a week for this task from July 15-21.

A webinar was then hosted by Ayesha Rehan (President VFAHT National Council) and Ramsha Zafar (Regional Vice President- Sindh) and moderated by Asia Kausar (Project Director VFAHT). Representatives from each team presented their work and the suggestions were discussed. To conclude, a final proposal is being compiled in which the recommendations will be prepared that can be forwarded to proper government channels that deal with public health-related issues in the country.

This activity not only encouraged participants to research and present statistics and the current policies to eradicate Hepatitis but also promoted critical thinking and a healthy discussion on a virtual forum.

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