Online Campaign

Blood Saves Lives, But It Can Need Saving Too

June 15, 2020 – June 24, 2020
Dow University Of Health Sciences

June 15, 2020 - June 24, 2020


Event Details:

“Blood saves lives, but it can need saving too” was planned for June with the main aim to spread more awareness about blood-borne diseases and plasma donation, in light of World blood donors day and COVID-19. During this time, plasma donation is essential, and it is necessary to not just encourage recovered patients for it, but also remove any associated myths.

Instagram and Facebook were used as platforms for the dissemination of information, and we kept our activities engaging by injecting story elements in our daily questions, making it more interesting for a layman to participate. All material was shared in the form of posters.

The activity received a good response and giving a story aspect to information helped convey the message better.

Event Gallery:
